Monday, March 3, 2008

A Day In Flight

So Jesse and I decided to go for a quick flight on Saturday afternoon since we were down in Spanish Fork near the airport and they just happened to have one catana available that we could take up. The goal was to fly up to AF and take some aerial shots of our house... but it was a very windy day which made for a VERY bumpy flight and the camera was shaking so much that we couldn't really see what we were taking pictures of. But we did get one semi-good one of our neighborhood. I guess I forgot how much you can feel in the little planes and how sensitive my pregnant stomach is. I was definitely feeling pretty sick by the time we were done! Jesse was even feeling a little sick in the stomach too which made me feel a little less pathetic! So needless to say, the next time we go up will not be on a day when a cold front is coming in and the air is rough. But I guess it could be a good way to put me into labor if I am over-due!! I just love flying with my husband though. He is such a good pilot and I love listening to him talk to the other pilots and air traffic contol using flight talk and code :)


Tiffini said...

That is so awesome. I think that would be a blast.

Meredith said...

I don't know....that plane is pretty small. You might have to tie me up and throw me in to get me to fly in it!