I can't believe Blake is 4 months old already!! I feel like time is flying by so much faster than it did with Brynn!! Probably because life is so much crazier with two kids! He is such a good baby though! He is so happy and always seems to be smiling or laughing. The only times he cries is when he is tired or hungry. It is great!! And he already move so much! He scoots himself across the floor or crib, and spins around in circles while laying on his back. I am a little nervous if he continues to move this much in the future! He is such a sweet boy, and we are so happy he joined our family!!
WOW! I don't know about you but that went by super fast for me! haha. He totally has your cute smile! I love it!
Aw. He is SO cute. I can't believe he is 4 months. That is crazy he is moving around- I think Max was like 9 months before he moved an INCH lol I still need to meet Blake. I am the worst friend.
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