Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Looking back at the past six months of my life

I have spent the majority of my morning sorting through baby clothes so that I can get all of Brynn's 0-3 and 3-6 month clothes boxed up and put into storage so that we have room for all of the bigger sizes. It is taking so much longer than expected because it seems like every little piece of clothing has a memory that goes along with it. I picked up the little green pair of newborn pants and remembered how they were so big on her when she was about a week old, and they looked like little grandpa pants because they came up to her chest! Well, I held them up to her today and they look like shorts because they barely come to her knees! As I told my brother yesterday, my little baby just isn't little anymore! Don't get me wrong, I love the stage she is currently in. She is so fun and full of spunky personality. I am just wondering where the past 6 months of my life have gone. There have been so many huge changes, and life is completely different than it was just a few weeks before Brynn arrived! At that time, I couldn't even begin to imagine what life would be like with a baby, and now I can't even begin to imagine what life would be like without her. Jesse and I have become so attached to her over these past 6 months and both love her so much! I am so thankful that I am able to stay home and spend the majority of my time with Brynn. That has definitely been the biggest sacrifice we have ever made, and it has been so worth it. It is hard when money is so tight, and amazing at the same time with how things just seem to work when we are living the way we are supposed to. So looking back, these past 6 months have been more amazing than words can describe! I have the greatest husband a girl could ask for, and the most beautiful daughter (I am just a little biased). I am just trying to savor every moment with her while she is young!!!


Lexi said...

Next thing you know- you'll just turn around and find that she is already 2 years old! The time flies....I just went through a bunch of baby clothes and felt the same way!

Tiffany said...

I could just Dido everything you just said. Exept Kyler is still in his 9 months cloths...sad but true :)

Emily Rupp Sessions said...

i know we are crazy but we will live through the madness of 2! Mer said that same thing about yard sales. I havn't tried them yet but i should. Its amazing how time flies by! Brayden is already in 12 month clothes and 18 month shirts and today he started scooting and he is a little rolly polly these days rolling all over the place. crazy!Brynn is such a cutie!

Larsen said...

You guys are cute.

Meredith said...

I am always so amazed everytime that I see Brynn and observe all the new things that she's doing. She's a big girl now! (That probably means that I need to see you guys more often. Next month we need play dates!) They grow so fast...listen to me. Mine's not even born yet. Brynn makes me so excited to have our little boy! I can't even imagine....I can't wait for our lives to be drastically altered with a little bundle of joy! Oh life. Ever changing and moving. Who knows where the time goes. Before you know it brynn will be having kids!

Linley and Austin said...

Isn't it amazing how fast time flies now!!! It seems like everytime I turn around Kylie has outgrown something (it might have something to do with that big belly of hers though...) Isn't being a mom so much fun :)