Friday, November 28, 2008


I love my little girl! She has started saying mama and dada, and associates it with Jesse and I. It is so fun. Well, she only really says mama when she's hungry, and says dada all the time, and lots of times will say it while pointing to Jesse. Here is the best part... she had 3 poopy diapers today (which is a lot for her in one day), and everytime we were taking her upstairs to change her diaper I would ask who she wanted to change it, mommy or daddy. Each time she said dada and pointed to Jesse :) Then she would look back at me and laugh hystarically as if to say, yeah mom, we got him good! She is getting to be so funny these days... there is never a dull moment in our house. Her is a little video clip of us trying to get her to say dada for you. She has also started talking to her toys when she is playing which just cracks me up!

1 comment:

Meredith said...

So cute! So that's the trick; whenever your baby has a dirty diaper teach them to say "dadda". Ron and Kathy enjoyed your video.