Thursday, August 6, 2009

Brynn Brynn Brynn

Here are just a few random shots of Brynn from today. I can't believe my baby is now 15 months old!!! She is growing up way too fast! She is now walking really well, and gets around faster than me sometimes :) She is also starting to talk a lot more, which is cute, and also makes life a little easier when I am trying to figure out what she wants. I have decided that her favorite summer activity has been swimming. She loves being in the water! She is my little fearless fishy. I just feel so blessed to be her mother. And as you can probably tell from the pictures, she still only has 2 teeth. But that certainly doesn't stop her from eating anything and everything in sight! She has always been such a great eater!! And I have a feeling that she will have more teeth soon since I can see all of the top ones coming down right now...ouch!

1 comment:

Gardner Family said...

Brynn is so dang cute...I love here eyes. I see in pics below she is using the potty...andy suggestions for me...Dakota is not as interested as I was hoping.