Monday, January 4, 2010

Christmas 2009

Brynn and Aunt Mer on Christmas Eve
Brynn sound asleep at Grandpa's house on Christmas morning

Brynn with Aunt Adrienne

I think this doll was Brynn's favorite present! She loves pushing her around in the stroller!!
I know Christmas was a week and a half ago, but I had Jesse at home with me for 10 days and am just now getting around to posting pictures!! We had a great Christmas this year! It was so much fun with Brynn since she understood more of what was going on, and actually opened presents! She was a little skeptical about Santa, but started liking him more after she saw the presents he brought her. On Christmas Eve, I told her that Santa was coming to our house, and she ran to the door saying "NO SANTA", and made me lock the door so he couldn't get in!! But then on Christmas night, she was going around saying "Santa house...nice...thank you Santa!" It was pretty cute!

Our Christmas began by celebrating on Christmas Eve with my family. My sister Meredith and her husband and son came over along with My Uncle and cousin for lunch. We had the Klinger family tradition of sloppy joes, red jello with cool whip, chips, and cranberry juice with orange sherbet. Very yummy :) Then we watched the Night Before Christmas movie with Paul Lind that was filmed in the 70's that we used to watch every year at Grandma and Grandpa Klinger's house. We also exchanged presents and did a web cam with the rest of the family in PA and opened presents with them!

That evening, we headed over to Jesse's Aunt Laurel's house for a Christmas Eve get together there. Then we spent the night at his dad's house. Christmas day was pretty crazy, but so fun! First we opened presents at Jesse's dad's house, then headed to Grandma Shelley's for breakfast and more presents. The most special part of the day for me was when she gave us each a present from Grandpa Shelley who passed away on Halloween. Apparently, he was really into signing up for publishers clearing house, and would sometimes buy things from them that he felt might make a good present for someone. He had them all stashed in the bottom of a closet, so Grandma distributed them among all of the children and grandchildren as presents from him. The funny thing was that I got something that I really needed and wanted, and almost bought myself a couple months ago!

After Grandma's house, we headed home to see what Santa had left there! After opening presents, Brynn took a nap while Jesse and I packed up all of the little kid toys and put them into storage. Then we headed back to Aunt Laurel's for Christmas dinner and games. So it was a very busy day, but very memorable as well! Now I am anxious to see what the new year has in store for us (besides a new baby of course)!!

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