Thursday, February 4, 2010

For Amy...

Brynn at her first Utah Jazz game. She loved it!!!
Testing out a car we will never be able to afford at the Utah Auto Expo :)

This post is dedicated to my sister-in-law Amy because she has been bugging me to update my blog so she can see pictures of Brynn and my belly. Sorry, no belly shots today though. I don't have anyone here to take pictures of me so that will have to wait. I will just tell you that my belly is bigger than the last pictures posted and you can use your imagination :)

Things have been going well for us. Brynn is continuing to grow and change so much!! She is talking a ton which has been so much fun! We tried making a list of all of the words she knows, but stopped after we were in the mid 200's because we realized she knows way too many to list them all! She can count to 10 by herself, and recited half the alphabet a few days ago which shocked me quite a bit!! We'll just say she learns a lot from watching her Signing Time videos! She loves reading, playing with her dolls, and is obsessed with slides right now! She still continues to use the toilet on a regular basis so I have decided it is time to get rid of the diapers and work on potty training!!! Those words scare me, so if any of you have advice I would love to hear it :) We took her to the store last week and let her pick out some big girl panties (they are Minnie Mouse...she loves Minnie and Mickey). And next week she and I are going to stay home and try to get her potty trained! Wish me luck, I am NOT looking forward to it! But it will be soooo worth the hard work if I can get her out of diapers before the baby comes.

Things with the pregnancy are going well, I am just feeling so much bigger this time around (probably because I am). As of my doctor's appointment last week, I weigh as much as I did the day I had Brynn which is pretty depressing. And my uterus is measuring 2 1/2 cm larger than it should be right now. The doctor said that if this trend continues, he will do an ultrasound to see what is going on (either the baby is big, or I have a lot of extra fluid). The good news is that I have the option to be induced a week early, so I only have 10 1/2 weeks to go!!!! Too bad that sounds like an eternity! I just hope it goes fast since I am already not able to sleep well at night. We are also having trouble in the name department so if you have any suggestions, let me know!!!

Well, that is all for now. I will try to get some more belly pictures on here soon :)


Aubrey said...

Brynn is a doll! Love the pics! The best potty training advice I can give you is NEVER punish even with accidents. You have to make sure they know its not right but no time out or yelling or anything like that. Also, whenever they say they have to go potty just drop everything and take them. Make it fun and happy. We bought 3d stickers (easy to peel off) and stick them on the mirror when there is success. Better than treats all day. At some point you have to show her that you don't have anymore diapers for her and that she has to keep her panties clean and she will get it. (SHAM WOWS are amazing. They pull moisture out of the carpet way better than anything else) Good luck.

Meredith said...

I love Brynn's jeans in the first pictures! So adorable.... :) Cameron is going to his first Jazz game next week. I hope he likes it or it could be miserable.


She is so cute Laura. I loved seeing her signing, you need a video of all of the signs she knows. She is just too cute.