Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Halloween 2010

***I just realized this post was still a draft and never published!! Better late than never I guess!

Halloween was a lot of fun this year because Brynn actually kind of understood what was going on! It was lots of fun to dress the kids up, and take them to parties and take Brynn Trick or Treating! I was kind of disappointed because it was pouring on trick or treat night, but I decided to take Brynn out trick or treating anyway. We drove to the first few houses, and then when the rain stopped, we walked around the neighborhood. It was so fun to watch the excitement on her face when people put candy in her basket! I think my favorite part was her comment to me after realizing that people would still give her candy even if she didn't say trick or treat. She said "I don't even say trick or treat, and they still give me candy! So I am not going to say trick or treat and that is my deal"! She cracks me up! I decided not to take Blake out because it was cold and rainy, so he stayed home to hand out candy with Jesse :)

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