Saturday, February 19, 2011

Update on the kids!

The kids are both growing up so much !!! Here is an update on each of them.

He is ten months old now and into everything! He is crawling everywhere, and pulling himself up holding onto things and walking along the furniture. He has also started climbing up the stairs as you can can see from the picture. He has 6 sharp teeth, and has chewed all around the crib. He has been such a happy boy and is so much fun!

I can't believe My little girl is going to be 3 in a few months!! I just signed her up for pre-school for the fall. We have also officially gotten rid of all of her diapers as of this past Monday. She has been so good at keeping her panties dry all night. We are still having a few issues with going #2... but hopefully that will be resolved soon! She is so smart. She can spell her name, and is now working on writing it and learning how to write all of her other letters! She has also recently developed a love for Dora the Explorer so we have been watching a lot of that in our house!

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