Wednesday, March 30, 2011

The battle with baby weight!!

For some reason, the weight I put on during my pregnancy with Blake just doesn't want to come off!! After having Brynn, I lost all but 2 pounds without any real effort. But after Blake, I was left with about 8-9 pounds that just wouldn't come off (plus the 2 that never came off from Brynn). Well I am happy to say, that after a lot of HARD work, I am FINALLY within a pound of my pre-pregnancy weight with Blake!! I have lost about 7 1/2 pounds since the beginning of February, and only have 6 more pounds until I reach my real goal! It has been so hard for me because I am just not a healthy eater! And it is so hard to find the time to work out with two small children. But I have been trying to get up early in the mornings to do a work out video, and then I go to the rec center in the evenings. I am really hoping to reach my main goal by the beginning of would be so nice to look good in shorts this summer! I will keep you all posted :)


Lexi said...

Go Laura!


Congrats Laura, that IS hard work :) I need to find your motivation.