Wednesday, April 20, 2011

My cake class

One of my New Year's resolutions was to take some kind of class or learn a new hobby. So when the new Hobby Lobby store opened in AF and I saw that they would be offering cake decorating classes, I decided to sign up! I do not think that I am a very creative or artistic person, but I think that decorating cakes is a skill that every mom should be a little familiar with for all of the birthday cakes!! It just so happened that the class began just a couple weeks before Blake and Jesse's birthdays, and then I have Brynn's in two weeks so I will get a little more practice!! Here are some pictures of a few things I have decorated so far. For some reason a couple of the pictures are sideways and I can't get them on here the right way, they keep flipping!! So you will need to turn your head to get the true picture :)
This is the first cake that I decorated in class. I actually ended up freezing it and using it for Blake's birthday cake!

This is the cake I made for Jesse's birthday.

And here are some cupcakes that I decorated this week in class.

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