Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Brynn's Hair Cut

So today was Brynn's first "real big girl haircut"! She has had her hair trimmed multiple times, but today we cut a lot of it off. It has gotten so long, and I love it long, but I just thought it would look so much healthier if we cut a few inches off. I also thought a shorter cut would be cut for summer. Here are the before pictures...

Here she is during. My friend Crystal has a salon in her house and she did it for us :)

Here she is after!! I think she looks so pretty and grown up! And Brynn keeps telling me how much she loves her haircut so I guess she loves it too!!


Meredith said...

She looks so cute- I love it!!

Megan said...

That is ADORABLE! So cute. I also love her birthday party. The Dora theme is so cute.