Saturday, May 16, 2009

A day full of clothes

As you all know, I love yard sales, and I just wanted to share my good finds for the day! I got tons of cute clothes for Brynn. And the best part is, I got 62 articles of clothing, and two pairs of shoes all for a grand total of $7.15!!! The big bonus was that one of the yard sales I stopped at in the afternoon was giving away clothes for free!! So I feel like today was a huge success!


Andrew and Lori Stewart said...

Man Brynn scored big time!! What a great find!!

Larsen said...

Sweet. How many of them are the free ones? Was Janice so proud of Matt and his clothing purchases? You are a wonderful tutor!!!!

Meredith said...

Oh my gosh!! You are good. We yard saled on Saturday....I got 5 Beverly Cleary books for Cam for $1- that was it. We need to go to American Fork!