Monday, September 28, 2009

Pennsylvania trip

Jesse, Brynn, and I all went to Pennsylvania for a week over Labor Day to visit my family. It was so much fun to see all of them, and for everyone to see how much Brynn is changing!!! We were very lucky to be there for my sister in law Amy's baptism where she became a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. We felt so honored that she planned this special event for when we would be in town visiting... it was the highlight of our trip :) My brother Zach baptized her, and it was just so neat to witness all of it! I was also thrilled to have my friend Miti in town! She lives in France, and I haven't seen her in 5 years! I was thrilled that she just happened to be in town the same time as me so that I could spend a day with her. It was great introducing Jesse and Brynn to her. Over all we had a great trip! The only downfall was that Brynn and I both had really bad colds while we were there, and Brynn ended up with an ear infection. That made for a painful flight home for her!! She is actually getting tubes in her ears on Thursday because she gets ear infections so often so I am hoping that helps!!
Here are Zach and Amy all dressed in white before the baptism.
All of us after the baptism.
Miti, Courtney (a good friend from highschool) and I (along with Courtney's baby Rachel) at our old hangout and my old work place- Friendley's.
Jesse, Brynn, and I on the Chocolate World Ride.
Miti and I with our 5 lb chocolate bars!!

Miti and I again :)
My mom. Brynn and I :)


Meredith said...

Oh good! I am so excited to get some pictures of Amy's baptism. I've got to save those for the family album....:)

The Stones said...

Oh such cute pictures! Brynn is starting to look just like her mom!!