Thursday, September 18, 2008

Some Requested Pictures

I have had a special request for more pictures of Brynn, so here you have it. These are just some random pictures from the past couple of weeks. I have been so busy, that I just haven't had time to update the blog. With work, school, and Brynn, I feel like I have no free time! Yes, I am in school again, taking two classes this semester. And yes, I am done with school, and am just taking these classes for professional development hours to keep up my school counseling license. I didn't really want to do it so soon, but since this is my last semester with free tuition at UVU, I figured I should take full advantage of it! Oh, P.S. we didn't really feed Brynn chocolate cake. Jesse just put icing on her face while she was sleeping for the full effect.


NikiJo Bluth said...

Oh my gosh she's just too adorable!!! Thank you so much for posting those for me ( and of course for everyone else too!)I miss you guys so bad! It was great to hear from you last night, thanks for acting on that thought. I wish I "acted" more on my promtings. Tell Brynn Ya-Ya loves her!

Meredith said...

haha- I am so glad that I checked your blog today! Those pictures were so funny! You are gonna have a fun baby scrap book!

Tiffany said...

LOL LOL LOL! That was great! Thanks for the laugh

Michelle Bready said...

Oh my goodness she's such a cheese!! I love it!