Monday, April 27, 2009

Brynn's new potty seat

Here is a picture of Brynn using her new potty seat from Grandma. She loves using it and especially loves the fact that she can sit on it all by herself! We decided one of these would be lots easier than a little potty that we need to clean out each time she uses it. She continues to do so well at using the potty and we are finding that we go through fewer and fewer diapers a day as time goes by. It will be so nice when she can actually walk and talk and tell us that she needs to go! But for now, this seems to be working and we are hoping to have her potty trained a little early. We'll see how that goes.

Oh, and Brynn's first tooth finally broke through yesterday! We were beginning to wonder if she would have any teeth by her first birthday and it looks ike she will have at least one :)


Larsen said...

She is so stinkin' cute!! And may i say, I think you guys are so lucky, She almost up and potty trained herself!!!!


She is SOOO cute and I love her little dress :)

Andrew and Lori Stewart said...

Too cute. I'm going to have you potty train Makayla.