Sunday, July 26, 2009

Picture Overload!

Here are some pictures from the past few weeks that I have been meaning to put on here!! Life has just been too crazy to do it. We have been having a really fun summer so far, and are looking forward to going on some trips soon! Next weekend we are going to Bryce Canyon for the Shelley family reunion, Brynn and I are going to North Carolina for a week in August, and then we all go to PA in Sept, and to Canada a week after that! Let the vacations begin :) But in the meantime, here are some pictures of things we have been doing around here.
Here is Brynn in her new whale pool from Uncle Zach and Aunt Amy. She loves to swim!!!
Brynn has discovered reading on the potty :)
Brynn and Grandpa Shelley.
Taking a bubble bath in the sink.
Riding the carousel at the steel days carnival. She was a little terrified!
Brynn and her cousin Avonlea getting ready to go to the Steel Days parade.
Brynn and Aunt Adrienne eating Otter Pops at the parade.
Me waiting for the Steel days final show to begin! It was so much fun. They did American Fork Idol, The Biggest Loser, and had some great fireworks.
Brynn and Uncle Matt.
Here are some pictues of Brynn after she found a can of pringles. I wondered why she was being so quiet...

1 comment:

Tiffini said...

She is so darn cute!! I can't believe how fast she's grown up. She's awesome because she's eating my favorite chips. How has your family been?