Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Husband Tag

Ok, I was tagged again by Mckenna this time. These questions are about my husband though so they were fun to answer!

1. What is his name? Jesse Arlo Shelley

2. How long have you been married? about 1 year and 8 months

3. How long did you date? On and off for almost 2 years before we got married

4. How old is he? 25... which he is loving right now since I am 26. But he will catch up with me next month!

5. Who eats more sweets? I DO for sure!!

6. Who said I love you first? He did, although it took me a few days to realize that he actually said he loved me.

7. Who is taller? Jesse is by about 9 inches

8. Who can sing better? He would say I do... and I like to sing a lot more than he does but he sings just fine too.

9. Who is smarter? Jesse! Well, we are probably about equal, just each smarter in different areas.

10. Who does the laundry? We each do our own right now, but I am sure that will change when I am staying home and being a mom one day.

11. Who pays the bills? Me, I am incharge of all of the money :)

12. Who sleeps on the right side? I do, and I pretty much take up all of the bed these days!

13. Who mows the lawn? Jesse usually does since I can't get our lawn mower started without his help. It's old and takes more muscles than I have to get started.

14. Who cooks dinner? We usually cook dinner together, or whoever gets home first makes it. We like to do it together though :)

15. Who drives? Jesse always drives when we are together because he is a lot safer and I would rather sit and relax.

16. Who kissed who first? He kissed me after we watched all 3 Back to the Future movies in a row!

17. Who asked who out first? Actually, neither one of us asked each other out on our first date. Jesse, Jeff (my brother in law), and their friend Jarid all just kind of planned a group date and Jeff told me about it.

18. Who proposed? Jesse... but I probably would have if he waited much longer :)

19. Who has more siblings? Jesse does. He has 3 and I have 2.

20. Who wears the pants? I do, but sometimes I let him think that he is in charge!

Ok, now I am going to tag Melissa, Mer, Linley, and Tiffini. Have fun!

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