Thursday, January 15, 2009

Advice Please!

I have a question for all of the experienced moms out there. I am just wondering at what age your child/children cut down to taking just one nap a day, Brynn usually takes a morning nap, and an afternoon nap, and has not done so well with the morning naps this week. I am just wondering if the time has come to cut that nap out, and just thought I would get some more experienced mothers to tell me what they did. Thanks for your help!


matthew emilee sarah and jack said...

Laura this is Sarah Fultz ( morris ) With my daughter i cut it out at around 9 months to a year . and with my son ( the worst sleeper in the world ) He never took two naps he just took one really long nap and now at 17 months he only sleeps for about 30 minutes . SO i would say she is right on track with my experiences . Im expecting my third in aug and i hope that this baby is like its sister and do two naps because im goin to need it . GOOD LUCK

KeMAR Boutique said...

I am of no help either....Kennedy has always been an odd sleeper. Sometimes she won't take a nap at all, and sometimes, she takes two. I think it was bout a year though when she started the one nap thing....cause that's what she does most of the time. By the way, Brynn is so dang cute!! I want to maybe get together next time I am in town.

Lexi said...

Jordis- as you may remember- has always been a sleeper. She would spend more time sleeping than awake up until 18 months, which is about the time she decided to drop the morning nap. Every child is so different!

Savanna Sorensen said...

Laura, This is Savanna. Jade is still taking between 2-3 naps a day. She takes a quick morning nap from 11-12. Then another nap from 2-3p and then another one from 4-6. She hasn't moved to the one nap a day yet. She is a really good though. I have been scheduling her naps according to the book Babywise. It says that between 9-12 months they should still be at two naps a day. One short and one longer one. That's just what I am doing. I don't think it will be a problem to change to one nap a day however just because she has been off her schedule for a week doesn't mean that she is ready to change. If she seems ornry or tired then maybe she needs another nap. Just a thought!

Linley and Austin said...

Hey! I'm no experienced mother but as far as Kylie goes, she stopped taking 2 naps about 3 months ago. So she was about 15 months. She takes her one long 2 hour nap in the afternoon :) Anyway, hope you are having a good week :)

Zach and Codi said...

I would say keep the two naps as long as you can. She will start to wean from them herself and then you can settle on a time for an afternoon nap. Believe me... you will miss them when they're gone. Xander just regulated it himself and therefore the transition was a whole lot smoother.

Megan said...

Tyler started to take only one nap at about 11 months. He did it on his own. It was an adjustment because I very much enjoy naptime. So if she will keep taking both naps I would stick to it as long as you can. Tyler just takes a after noon nap. Sometime he has a hard time napping when he is teething for about a week or so then he gets back into the habit of a nap. Good luck. I hope you can find a schedule that works for both of you!

lisa said...

My girls were still taking two naps until around a year or so. Just take her cues and trust your instinks. She may be just going through a phase where she just wants to try out all the new things she is learning to do instead of napping,like pulling herself up. She may go back to normal in a couple of days. If she doesn't try a day with out a morning nap and see what happens. You might have to adjust her after noon nap time. And of course any shift in the schedual is going to take her a few days to adjust to. Hang in there.

Fawna said...

Well, my Paige still often takes two naps a day, and she will be 3 in June! I think each child is different....William is 14 months and he naps 2 or even THREE times a day.

Doesn't mean that is right for EVERY child that age though!

Nielsen6 said...

Laura, you need to remember that every child is different, so you need to do what works best with Brynne. I would say if the 2 naps isn't working, try holding out on the first nap so her second nap will be longer. That's what i would do anyways. Good luck!