I can't believe my little baby is 8 months old already! Time has gone by way too fast since Brynn has been born. But we are loving every second of it. We are still waiting to see if she will ever crawl, and are thinking she might start walking first. She rolls everywhere, and would much rather stand than anything else. Jesse is constantly trying to teach her new words. The most recent has been poop, and now every time we say it or ask her if she pooped she spits. Its pretty funny! I tried to get it on tape but she just wasn't wanting to perform for the camera.
This past week and a half has been great because Jesse had off work and was able to spend a lot of time with Brynn and I. Sadly, Brynn was sick most of the time, and were ended up staying at home more than we wanted to. And Jesse had to return to work yesterday which made Brynn and I very sad. I know it was so much harder for him though. I really do appreciate all the sacrifices he makes for our family. He works so hard to provide for us so that I can stay at home, and is still always helping out with things around the house after he gets home. I am going to work on getting a little more done around the house during the day so he can just relax and play with Brynn after work.
We have also been working on getting Brynn to sleep through the night. She used to do it really well when she was younger, but then she suddenly began hating her crib and screams everytime she is awake and realizes that she is in it. With her being sick for the past few weeks with colds and ear infections, I haven't been letting her cry it out very much. But now it's back to business. We started just letting her scream in there on Sunday night and it is so hard! Sunday night she screamed and tried to escape from the crib for about 50 minutes until she finally cried herself to sleep. Then she woke up about 3-4 more times during the night crying and we just had to let her cry herself to sleep. Then last night I messed up big time! I let her cry herself to sleep which took about an hour, and then at about 1 am she woke up and was screaming. I think I was still kind of asleep, and went into her room and took her out of her crib. I didn't realize what I was doing until it was too late and I was so mad at myself! So I feel like we need to start all over again tonight! If anyone has any great advice on this whole sleeping thing, I am all ears!
I love it. brynn is so cute. I can't believe she is so big already. I think it is much harder to get up in the night after you are used to them sleeping. Tyler does really good unless he's teething and for some reason that makes him afraid of his crib. I don't understand the conection, but there is one. I wish you luck. I know how hard it is to sit and let your baby cry. I wish I knew a secret tipfor you but I am still learning too.
Hey Laura this is Sarah (fultz ) morris , my son who is 17 months old did this , ghe never ever s,ept through the night and has been a horrible sleeper . but He started screaming and climbing out of his crib becuase he hated the crib . So i would put a mattress on the floors with pillows all around it and lots of blankets and at one he was in a big boy bed . It was the best move i have ever made
I wish I had great words of wisdom for you. But I'm just glad I'm not the only one going through it. With moving Kyler still isn't really used to his new room and we've been crying it out every night and at nap times for the last week...sometimes it's nice to know that your not the only one. Good luck!
Watch out Mom- that little girl is going to be running soon! Awww....Brynn. I love her.
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