Monday, January 26, 2009

Sickness please be gone soon!

Brynn has been pretty sick since about last Thursday which has made it pretty much impossible to get anything done!! I spent all day Thursday and most of Friday just sitting on the couch holding Brynn as she slept on me (which is always nice to do). I just feel so bad when she is sick. Especially when she is so stuffed up that she can hardly breath! So I would just hold her all day and night, and now I am exhausted! She also has an ear infection and had a fever for a few days. And this is the craziest thing to me: on Friday night, Jesse and I noticed that Brynn was burning up. So we took her temperature and it was 103.5. We were both pretty nervous because it has never been that high. So I called the "nurse on-call" to make sure that was ok, and just see how high was too high. I was shocked by her response that I shouldn't worry at all because a fever isn't really harmful until it hits 108! Wow, never heard that before. That seemed high to me and I thought she was crazy. I have since decided to disreguard her advice, and stick to my gut and worry about anything above 103. Luckilly her temperature came down quickly, and she seems to be doing much better now. I am just so done with all of the winter sickness!

On a happy note, we refinanced our mortgage on Friday which took our payment down about $200. Anything to get that huge debt paid off sooner makes me happy! And I also threw my sister a baby shower on Saturday which was a lot of fun. I just can't believe my little sister is going to be a mom in 2 months... I am feeling old! Oh, and here are a few pictures of Brynn from the past couple days.


L & M Rees Family said...

I don't think I have ever since a more photogenic baby, it's awesome! How are you doing?

Larsen said...

She is so cute!!. I love the "pigtail" look. I think it might be one of my favorites!!

Megan said...

I wonder if we go to the same doctor office. About a year ago Tyler was really sick and had a temp of 104 degrees,so I too was very worried and called the on call nurse after hours. She told me something very similar to what the nurse told you. I was shocked. I still have a hard time believing that could be true. It seems dangerously high to me. I have never heard of someone with 108 temp. Wouldn't you die before you reached that? So I just did everything to get the temp down and luckily he came through just fine. I'm sorry she is sick. It is so hard when they are. It's hard not to worry. She looks so cute in her little pig tails. I think she looks a lot like you Laura! She's adorable!


Man, she sure is cute for a sick little girl!!!! Those pig tails are hilarious and so cute. I hope she is feeling better adn that is GREAT news about the mortgage. WOW that would be amazing.

Linley and Austin said...

Don't you just hate when your baby is sick! 108 degrees, is she crazy!!! My goodness you could probably fry an egg on her forehead with that kind of temperature! Kylie had a high temperature once and we gave her Tylenol and then put her in a cold that killed to hear her scream. It took the fever down though. Does Brynn have a humidifyer (think I spelled that wrong) in her room? The doctor told us that that helps. Anyway, hope she gets better!

Tiffany said...

I think the books say 105 is when you really need to start to worry with infants. That day we went to the library, Kyler had a fever of 104.5 that night, he obviosly was miserable because of the fever, but otherwise he was fine. I think thats what i look for, if their acting funny otherwise, then I get worried. Anyway, when she feels better, I'd love to get out. Call me

Meredith said...

I am so glad to see Brynn looking happy again! :)