Friday, February 29, 2008


The weather has been so nice here this past week that I can't help being overly anxious for spring to officially get here!! Most of the snow has melted and we can actually see our grass (it has been a while). We even finished taking down all of our Christmas lights on Wednesday after work. Better late than never I guess!! I have loved the fact that it has been too warm to wear my coat when I leave work, and I am looking forward to lots of outdoor walks. Now it just needs to stay light a little longer so it's not pitch black outside by the time we are done eating dinner. Oh I am just so excited! So many fun things to look forward to... including the new BBQ Jesse and I are getting ready to purchase (as soon as he picks out the one he wants). We have been saving our pennies for a while so this is huge! And it also means he will be doing a lot of grilling and it will just be one more excuse to spend time outside!

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