Monday, June 30, 2008

Our night at the cabin

Well, as you can see, spending your anniversary with an infant is a little different. We did have a really good time at the cabin though despite the fact that Brynn was really cranky and it took a few hours to get her to sleep in her pack and play. It was just really nice to get out of the house and go to one of our favorite places. We love spending time at the cabin!! It's a great place to go and enjoy nature, relax, and eat lots of junk. We have so many great memories here as a family and I am sure there will be many more to come!


Jenny said...

laura!! this is your old roomie, jenny harris. i stalked you through lori. :) that's so exiting you have a little girl! she is just darling. hooray for blogs for keeping long lost friends in touch!

Meredith said...

Hey, I posted a video and picture of Brynn today. :)