Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Being paid not to eat sweets...sign me up!

On Monday night after pilates, my sister-in-law Adrienne and I were complaining about how we were so frustrated with the fact that we have been working out for a while, and haven't lost any weight! My husband was trying to help us come up with weight loss ideas, and asked both of us if we had tried to cut out any of the sweets that we eat. Of course the answer to that question was no (we both have quite the sweet tooth). He then went on to say that he was sure we would see results fast if we just quit eating so much junk! So he told us that if we could go for two weeks with NO SWEETS AT ALL (this includes anything which has sugar as one of the top 3 ingredients...which is a lot more foods than I thought), that he would give us each ten dollars. And if we don't make it, we each have to pay him $5. He doesn't think we can do it, but boy is he wrong! And apparently my father in law has also agreed to give us each $10 if we make it for two weeks. So on April 6th, I am going to be $20 richer, and probably a little healthier too :)

1 comment:

Cheryl Meibos said...

Good for you Laura! I've been "off" sugar for almost 2 months now. It was horrible for the first few weeks, but I feel a lot better now:) Good luck let me know how it goes.