Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Look what Brynn can do!

While I was at the grocery store last night, Jesse sent me a picture of Brynn crawling up the stairs. She can officially make it up the stairs on her own! Here are a couple videos that he took. And sorry... he is on the phone in one of them so it's not all that exciting, but you do get to see Brynn crawl up the stairs. She has been standing up like crazy and walking around holding on to things. So we'll see if she starts walking before or after her first birthday.


Meredith said...

Oh my goodness- look at her go!

Meredith said...

Ok- I love how she keeps waiving at the phone in your second video. She is so funny!

Zach and Codi said...

Love the background music in the 2nd video, so perfect for the moment! She's so cute!