Monday, March 2, 2009

Our Cabin Trip

I am so behind at updating my blog!!! We went to Jesse's family's cabin last weekend with Matt and Janice and had a great time!! After last years trip hiking through snow up to my waist while being 6 months pregnant, I vowed to never go to the cabin in the winter again. But I obviously changed my mind and am glad I did because the snow was a lot more packed down this year, and we were smart enough to pull our stuff up on a sled instead of trying to carry it all. And it looks like we will be heading up again soon to fix one of the snow mobiles :)

1 comment:


Aw the cabin. Yes, good move on the sled:) I can't believe how big Brynn is getting, is it just crazy to look back and see how much she has changed?!?!? I love her little suit:)